Monday, January 28, 2013

David So (Davidsocomendy)

David So

  • Currently private information is not available regarding David So. But this information will be updated when we discover some of this information.  
How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:
  • To be honest I did not know who David So was at first 
  • I did not pay attention to him at first.  I taught that he was not a major character and had little to offer to the Asian-American community. 
  • But then I began to notice him being a part of JKParty and staring with Bart Kwon and Joe Jo.  Then I noticed that they had a close relationship and that he did at lot of joint projects with JKFilms. 
  • As a character he brings humor to the table.  
  • As he plays the role of a comedian, he brings laughter to my life. 
  • HE touches base on a lot of real world problems. 
  • I loves his video in response to the UCLA girl. It was hilarious, all the humor and laughter it brought was amazing.  All of his video responses and challenges are what we as individuals go through every day
  • His actions bring to light that we are the same, regardless if we are a celebrity or not. 
  • I have come to love him as a character, I only wish that we would use curse words less often and change his form of vocabulary   Due to his word choices, he has lost of viewers and isn't reaching his full potential.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ryan Higa (NigaHiga)

Ryan Higa
  • Born: June 6, 1990 
  • From Hilo, Hawaii 
  • Creator of NigaHiga (Youtube Channel) & HigaTV(Youtube Channel) 
  • Graduated from UNLV

How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:

  • Ryan Higa is Youtube Old School. The first time I saw him was on "How to be Ninja" and "How to be Emo."  But according to my knowledge these videos no longer exist due to copyrighted material. 
  • He is hilarious, his character has evolved over the many years. 
  • Ryan Higa has now become an international figure that is we known across the globe. 
  • His new content has moved from short skits, to colloborations with other well known youtube stars. 
  • In a recent interview in Singapore, Ryan discussed his interests the people he wishes to be around. 
  • From this interview we learned that his interest in people of the opposite gender has the characteristics of: not clingy, outgoing, etc. So pretty much a girl that can be around as a friend, but doesnt have to stay really close together. 
  • His impact to the Asian-American culture is tremendous.  He brings to light small stereotypes in a subtle way to introduce Asian Culture to American Culture. 
  • I love the way he brings happiness to all of his videos. But I have noticed that he is very Bi-Polar. The way he acts on and off a set is completely different.  He isn't all ways Mr.GoHappy, he is very subtle and common in other situations   This is revealed in other channels "Behind the Scenes" that show his content. 
  • So in other words he is like a really great guy that contributes to the Asian American Culture on the Internet.

Bart Kwon (JustKiddingFilms)

Bart Kwon 
  • Bart Kwon is the CoOwner of JustKiddingFilms 
  • He shares the company with Joe Jo
  • He is currently dating costar Geovanna  

How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:
  • The first time I saw Bart Kwon on youtube, was in one of their short skits about Unco Chin and Unco Same
  • He portrays himself as a comedian in all his videos
  • He is very humorous, and uploads content that is funny :) 
  • Bart Kwon's popularity is high among female fans, due to his built body. 
  • However, Bart Kwon has a side of himself that is very subtle. Under all the grotestic manly man act, he has a  kind heart.  From the 2012 Thanksgiving Episode on JKParty, it is completely revealed. 
  • The audience has noticed the tough life he has come from and the experiances and trials he has faced.  His appreciation for the small moments of family gatherings that some people overlook.  It is a heart warming experience to see someone react like that. 
  • Plus OMG he has a wonderful girlfriend "Geo". That has to be his "goddess"
  • I love the atmosphere of friends that he has created for himself on set.
  • He is a very fun character, I would love for him to be my personal workout trainer, and just someone to hang out with. :) 

Kevin Wu (KevJumba)

Kevin Wu

  • Born: June 12,1990 (according to wiki)
  • dropped out of UCDavis
  • Owner of  KevJumba (Youtube Channel)
  • Cast of recently released movie "Hangloose"
How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:
  • To be honest i can not remember how I came across Kevin Wu. To me he has always been KevJumba
  • He is a very interesting character, that has aspects of his life that varieties. 
  • I have always loved the fact that he incorporates his dad "PapaJumba" into his videos. It is nice to father and son interaction through youtube. 
  • I have always been disappointed with him, due to the fact that he decided to drop out of college. 
  • I have always seen college as a necessity, and his actions of dropping is quiet negative.  Not to be so stereotypical, but "Asians gotta go to college "
  • On the other hand, Kevin Wu is an amazing star, and his contribution to the Asian-American Community is amazing.
  • He has international fame across the globe.  There is a WFW episode, where in the background Kevin Wu appears on a Taiwanese Billboard. Wow that is amazing 
  • Recently he has released his movie "Hangloose" I personally have purchased the movie and watched it myself.  The movie is fine, however, it seems to be a spin of "The Hangover" just with an Asian cast.  That is just my opinion, but you may disagree, and thats alright. 
  • I believe his contribution to allow Asian-American celebrities on youtube to shine. 

Ted Fu (Wongfu Productions)

Ted Fu

  • Born: October 26,1981 (according to wiki)
  • Graduated from UCSD
  • Currently a Youtube Celebrity for WongfuProductions 
  • Hosts the show "Rage Quit with Ted" on ISATV 
  • Surprisingly the only married man out of the 3 members of WongfuProductions

How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:

  • I came across Ted Fu on WongfuProductions WFW. 
  • He is a very quiet individual that keeps to him self
  • But as he opens himself up in the web series of WongFuWeekends, I began to understand his characteristics.
  • Ted likes to keep his private matters to himself, unlike Philip Wang that blabs his entire life over the internet.
  • Even though he is married, he does not talk about his marriage life. This may be due to the fact that their isnt another member of WongFu that is married.  When that happens we may see some changes.
  • I find it very interesting that Ted has such an interest for cars. That is a characteristic that is not seen in the other members of WongFu.  He has a sense of individuality.
  • However, I find it very sad that when Wongfu goes on tours, he opts out and stays back to finish up things at home. 
  • Even though his character is not so open to others, fans love him for his sincerity. 
  • To put in lame mans term (chicks like him since he is stable and predictable) He's the guy that women choose for security.  Which explains why he is married.  Some smart cookie, picked him off the market right away :). 
  • He is a character that relate with an other Asian-American guy. 
  • A surprsing about him, is the fact about his "White Hair" OMG
  • He lived a lie, constantly dyeing it to stay black.  When I discovered that, it was intense.  But now that he is open about it, a new fan base has grown to his openness that is forming.  

Monday, January 14, 2013

Philip Wang (Wongfu Productions)

Philip Wang

  • Born: October 28,1984 (according to wiki)
  • Graduated from UCSD
  • Currently a Youtube Celebrity for WongfuProductions 
  • Also has a show on ISATV called "Step by Step" where guest stars, come and teach break dancing to viewers and to Phil.
How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:

  •  Philip Wang is a very open character on Wongfu Productions. 
  • He is the main speaker and image of the company. 
  • He can be categorized as decent public speaker and that loves talking and interacting with individuals. Wesley Chan stated that this a trait of Phil that he admires (loves/hates)
  • He is known for his signature obsession of hugging sculptures in the shape of "balls" 
  • Philip Wang has created an image for himself that is recognized in many countries
  • In WFP Youtube videos he brings to life excitement and fun to any given situation.  He is often seen directing and leading and mini web series or projects that WFP takes on. 
  • I see him as the leader of WFP, as his leadership qualities are remarkable and stand out. 
  • His character is based off of a young Asian-American Celebrity that is making a name for himself.
  • At first glance, he is an admirable character that stands out. 

Wesley Chan (Wongfu Productions)

Wesley Chan 

  • Born: April 27,1984 (according to wiki)
  • Graduated from UCSD
  • Currently a Youtube Celebrity for WongfuProductions 
  • Also has a show on ISATV called "The MakeShift", a show where he makes arts & crafts with every day materials
How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:
  • The first time I noticed Wesley Chan was on wongfuproductions "WFW"(wongfuweekends) a show that airs once a week with costars (Philip Wang, and Ted Fu) 
  • From WFW weekends I began to see his personality as a character and what he had to offer to the Asian-American Celebrity culture that is slowly growing.
  • From my observations I have noticed that he is very patient and meticulous. A simple art project of coloring a pot takes several hours. He puts time and effort in making the perfect item.
  • According to my knowledge he is know for coming up with the idea of wongfuproduction's signature merchandise "awkward animals."  This seems reasonable, due to his artistic talents and creativity.
  • Wesley Chan stands out very well in WongFuProductions due to his attractive good looks. His international fan base is very extensive in the female demographics.   
  • I believe that he brings a balance to WFP, and adds something different to the atmosphere. 
  • He is the Asian-American character that brings to light the creative and artistic talents that the Asian culture is so stereotypical criticized about.
  • His creative brings about fun and excitement to artwork on the Youtube base. 