Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Kevin Wu (KevJumba)

Kevin Wu

  • Born: June 12,1990 (according to wiki)
  • dropped out of UCDavis
  • Owner of  KevJumba (Youtube Channel)
  • Cast of recently released movie "Hangloose"
How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:
  • To be honest i can not remember how I came across Kevin Wu. To me he has always been KevJumba
  • He is a very interesting character, that has aspects of his life that varieties. 
  • I have always loved the fact that he incorporates his dad "PapaJumba" into his videos. It is nice to father and son interaction through youtube. 
  • I have always been disappointed with him, due to the fact that he decided to drop out of college. 
  • I have always seen college as a necessity, and his actions of dropping is quiet negative.  Not to be so stereotypical, but "Asians gotta go to college "
  • On the other hand, Kevin Wu is an amazing star, and his contribution to the Asian-American Community is amazing.
  • He has international fame across the globe.  There is a WFW episode, where in the background Kevin Wu appears on a Taiwanese Billboard. Wow that is amazing 
  • Recently he has released his movie "Hangloose" I personally have purchased the movie and watched it myself.  The movie is fine, however, it seems to be a spin of "The Hangover" just with an Asian cast.  That is just my opinion, but you may disagree, and thats alright. 
  • I believe his contribution to allow Asian-American celebrities on youtube to shine. 

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