Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ted Fu (Wongfu Productions)

Ted Fu

  • Born: October 26,1981 (according to wiki)
  • Graduated from UCSD
  • Currently a Youtube Celebrity for WongfuProductions 
  • Hosts the show "Rage Quit with Ted" on ISATV 
  • Surprisingly the only married man out of the 3 members of WongfuProductions

How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:

  • I came across Ted Fu on WongfuProductions WFW. 
  • He is a very quiet individual that keeps to him self
  • But as he opens himself up in the web series of WongFuWeekends, I began to understand his characteristics.
  • Ted likes to keep his private matters to himself, unlike Philip Wang that blabs his entire life over the internet.
  • Even though he is married, he does not talk about his marriage life. This may be due to the fact that their isnt another member of WongFu that is married.  When that happens we may see some changes.
  • I find it very interesting that Ted has such an interest for cars. That is a characteristic that is not seen in the other members of WongFu.  He has a sense of individuality.
  • However, I find it very sad that when Wongfu goes on tours, he opts out and stays back to finish up things at home. 
  • Even though his character is not so open to others, fans love him for his sincerity. 
  • To put in lame mans term (chicks like him since he is stable and predictable) He's the guy that women choose for security.  Which explains why he is married.  Some smart cookie, picked him off the market right away :). 
  • He is a character that relate with an other Asian-American guy. 
  • A surprsing about him, is the fact about his "White Hair" OMG
  • He lived a lie, constantly dyeing it to stay black.  When I discovered that, it was intense.  But now that he is open about it, a new fan base has grown to his openness that is forming.  

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