Monday, January 14, 2013

Wesley Chan (Wongfu Productions)

Wesley Chan 

  • Born: April 27,1984 (according to wiki)
  • Graduated from UCSD
  • Currently a Youtube Celebrity for WongfuProductions 
  • Also has a show on ISATV called "The MakeShift", a show where he makes arts & crafts with every day materials
How I Came Across Him/My Impression of Him:
  • The first time I noticed Wesley Chan was on wongfuproductions "WFW"(wongfuweekends) a show that airs once a week with costars (Philip Wang, and Ted Fu) 
  • From WFW weekends I began to see his personality as a character and what he had to offer to the Asian-American Celebrity culture that is slowly growing.
  • From my observations I have noticed that he is very patient and meticulous. A simple art project of coloring a pot takes several hours. He puts time and effort in making the perfect item.
  • According to my knowledge he is know for coming up with the idea of wongfuproduction's signature merchandise "awkward animals."  This seems reasonable, due to his artistic talents and creativity.
  • Wesley Chan stands out very well in WongFuProductions due to his attractive good looks. His international fan base is very extensive in the female demographics.   
  • I believe that he brings a balance to WFP, and adds something different to the atmosphere. 
  • He is the Asian-American character that brings to light the creative and artistic talents that the Asian culture is so stereotypical criticized about.
  • His creative brings about fun and excitement to artwork on the Youtube base. 

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